Student Registration

New 24-25 Student Registration Information... Coming Soon!
Many of the forms needed to register at John Stark are available for download as attachments at the bottom of this webpage. If you prefer, you may also have them mailed or faxed to you.
To schedule an appointment with the Registrar and your child's Counselor, please contact the Counseling Center at 603-529-5306. We ask that you please have all your registration paperwork and documentation completed prior to your scheduled appointment. You may return this information via U.S. mail to 618 North Stark Hwy, Weare, NH 03281; fax to 603-529-5299, email to or drop it off in the School Counseling Center.
Please note, a custodial parent/legal guardian and the student must be present during the registration. Depending on the student's grade and amount of documentation to review, the process will take approximately one hour to complete. During this time the student will select classes and receive a tour of our building. It is possible for students to review our class offerings prior to the appointment by reading our online Program of Studies.
Student Records Release - This form is a priority because it allows us to contact the previous school and obtain records critical to the registration process. If possible, complete and return this form prior to your appointment.
JSRHS Military Letter - This form is optional and when not signed and returned it is assumed that you give consent to the release of information.
If your child has medical needs, additional forms are available from the school nurse. View additional health forms from the School Nurse.
View information on the Free and Reduced Lunch Program.