Title 1

All school districts in SAU 24 are eligible for program funding through the Federal Title I, Part A legislation. Federal funds are allocated to each school by the New Hampshire Department of Education. Allocations vary each year and are based on Free and Reduced lunch counts. These funds are to be used to provide supplemental educational services for children to acquire the knowledge and skills to meet the State of New Hampshire proficiency standards. This purpose may be accomplished in two ways:

  • By providing children supplemental support through enriched and accelerated education programs;
  • By providing instructional personnel in participating schools with substantial opportunities for professional development.

Schools in SAU 24 are designated as Targeted Assistance Schools; meaning a selection process is used to determine which students would benefit from supplemental services. This instructional support is provided for students in addition to their participation in regular classroom core instruction. Parents are contacted, informed about the services available and encouraged to give permission for their children to participate.

Additional services are available to homeless children and youth through Title I. More information can be found here: McKinney Vento-Act

The United States Department of Education and New Hampshire Department of Education give comprehensive information about the federal law governing Title I.

For more information about the Title I programs in our five schools, please contact the appropriate person listed below. If you have a complaint please contact the appropriate person below.

SAU 24 Title I Project Manager: Natasha Kolehmainen, Assistant Superintendent, can be reached at 603-428-3269 or natasha.kolehmainen@sau24.org.

John Stark Title I Project Manager: Laurel Dumont, Assistant Principal for Teaching and Learning, can be reached at 603-529-7675 or laurel.dumont@sau24.org.

James Faulkner Title I Project Manager: Allison Peterson, Principal, can be reached at 603-446-3348 or allison.peterson@sau24.org.

Henniker Community School Title I Project Manager: Matt Colby, Principal, can be reached at 603-428-3476 or matthew.colby@sau24.org.

Center Woods Elementary Title I Project Manager: Jacquelyn Cornwell, Assistant Principal for Teaching and Learning, can be reached at 603-529-4500 or jacquelyn.cornwell@sau24.org.

Center Woods Upper Elementary and Weare Middle School Title I Project Manager: Jake Morrill, Assistant Principal for Teaching and Learning, can be reached at 603-529-7555 or jake.morrill@sau24.org.